
Anthony Mort

Anthony Mort’s roles at Grouse Mountain Environmental Consultants are Wildlife Biologist, Field Coordinator, and Project Management. 

Mort does a lot and loves all of it! 

“I think the most important thing we can do is preserve our natural resources for future generations to come,” Mort said. “I love to hunt and fish, and I love our public lands. A lot of Grouse Mountain’s projects are on public land, so I help the oil and gas companies ensure that we still have natural resources and habitats for future generations to be able to enjoy.” 

Anthony Mort has a passion for the environment and a passion for his job. We wanted to get to know Anthony a little bit more, so we asked him some questions:

How did you come to work at Grouse Mountain?

I worked 5+ years as a wildlife technician for multiple private and government agencies. Grouse Mountain was gracious enough to recognize all my hard work and offered me a full-time position. Grouse Mountain had a great reputation and was located close to home (Sheridan, WY), so I sent in my resume without hesitation.

What do you do for Grouse Mountain?

I wear three hats at Grouse Mountain: Wildlife Biologist, Project Manager, and Field Coordinator.  As a Wildlife Biologist, I am fortunate to participate in all kinds of interesting and super fun fieldwork. One week I may be in Montana conducting avian point counts for a proposed wind farm, and the next week I could be flying in a helicopter checking the status of known raptor nests and looking for new nests.  

Not only do I get to collect data in the field, but I also get to analyze and make sense of that data back at the office. As a Project Manager, I work with important clients and government agencies to make sure all wildlife surveys are conducted accurately and efficiently so projects can move along in a timely fashion. During the busy season, I put on the hat of a field coordinator. I have the pleasure of creating schedules for our hard-working technicians.  When we are getting bombarded with work from multiple clients, I organize, prioritize, and schedule out surveys depending on multiple factors such as species-specific protocols, client needs, technician availability, weather…etc. 

What made you choose this career path? 

Growing up, my parents would take me to all kinds of different places outdoors. Whether it was hunting, fishing, camping, or hiking, I got to enjoy many activities and experience adventures that really shaped me into the person I am today.  None of that would have been possible if it wasn’t for conservation.  Conserving our state’s wildlife, habitat, and public lands has always been important to me so eventually, my children can enjoy the same activities and experience the same adventures that I got to.  Following this career path allows me to do my part for conservation and to help ensure good times are in the future for generations to come. 

What’s your favorite part about working at Grouse Mountain? 

Grouse Mountain is a small but mighty organization that can take on a project from start to finish. Seeing all departments in action doing their part is like watching a championship caliber team.  Everyone works together for the same goal, and being a part of that is something special. 

What’s an experience that stands out to you from working at Grouse Mountain?

One time I was out in the field going to check the status of a raptor nest.  As I approached the tree the nest was supposed to be in, I noticed something strange.  I saw the gentle swing of a long furry tail. Upon a closer look, there was no bird in the tree. In fact, there was a bobcat staring at me not 15 feet from my face!  Luckily, the cat was more interested in taking a nap than having me for breakfast.

What do you love about Wyoming? 

Wyoming is the greatest of all 50 states without a doubt.  It has vast landscapes, mountainous terrains, beautiful rivers and valleys, abundance of wildlife, and very few people.  Very few people is the best part about Wyoming, so do not move here … it’s terrible! 

What are some of your hobbies?

Huntin’, fishin’, and lovin’ every day.  Luke Byan couldn’t have said it better.

What are a few fun facts about you?

I have 14 children (6 chickens, 6 fish, 1 dog, and 1 cat).  That is a lot of mouths to feed, let me tell ya. 

I am a diehard Josh Allen and Shaq fan.  

I thoroughly enjoy beating Dave Huber in basketball. 

I have great respect for people who raise goats.

My wife is the hardest-working employee I have ever seen.

I work under the absolute best mentor/supervisor in the history of mankind…Kirstie Lawson.

What differentiates Grouse Mountain from its competitors?

Grouse Mountain has small company values but a strong workforce.  Its stupendous employees get the job done and done right. 

If you could tell readers one thing about yourself and your job, what would that be?

I love embracing new adventures and working for the Wildlife Department at Grouse Mountain gives me just that.

If you could tell readers one thing about Grouse Mountain, what would THAT be?

If you are an outdoorsman/woman looking to get a job that has a good balance of fieldwork and office work, then apply to work for Grouse Mountain!


You can find us in the office weekdays from 8am-5pm or call anytime.

P: 307.684.2112
F: 307.684.2142

Grouse Mountain Headquarters

760 West Fetterman Street
Buffalo, WY 82834

Grouse Mountain New Mexico

3600 Cerrillos Rd, Ste 407
Santa Fe, NM 87507

Send us a message or inquire on your next project.

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