
Travis Kern

Travis Kern

How did you come to work at Grouse Mountain?

I came on with Grouse Mountain in the spring of 2023 as a temporary position right out of Graduate School. I had a seasonal job already lined up that summer with the Bridger-Teton, but Grouse Mountain was willing to wait till my season was up to take me on full-time. The fact that the company worked in Wyoming, as well as a satellite office in New Mexico, was a big attraction for me. I worked for several years in New Mexico, and it’s been my career goal to work with a company that enables me to work up and down the Rockies.


What do you do for Grouse Mountain?

I am a Field Director for the Cultural Resources Department (Archaeology) for Grouse Mountain; I still get to work in the field but am building on my experience in the office writing technical reports and looking to expand the department to other states within the Rocky Mountains.


What made you choose this career path? 

There were a lot of factors. I have always loved history, taking every class offered in high school, and my parents encouraged me to pursue a degree in History. While pursuing my degree, it was required that I complete a minor; while taking an Intro to Archaeology class, I learned of a field school in New Mexico, which pretty much sealed the deal. The fact that I still get to be a huge history nerd, work outside, and travel was extremely appealing. I worked in the private sector as well as with the Forest Service; ultimately, I decided that I like the freedom that is offered in the private sector, and Grouse Mountain fills a niche that I enjoy.


What’s your favorite part about working at Grouse Mountain? 

The challenges and growth. One of the best parts of working here has been that you get to learn something new, whether a new approach to recording artifacts, working with new clients, or seeing new landscapes that you may not have experienced. I enjoy coming to work and seeing what is around the corner.


What’s an experience that stands out to you from working at Grouse Mountain?

Working in Grand Teton National Park in the Summer of 2024 and running into a bear-sow with three cubs. Thankfully, she let us get out of there without any harm, but talk about a moment you won’t forget!


What do you enjoy about Wyoming?

The diversity in the land, from the high alpine regions of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the high deserts, the badlands between Worland and Ten Sleep, and the Black Hills; having said that, I don’t care for the Plains (sorry, Cheyenne).


What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy hunting and target practice as much as the next guy, though I am also a huge nerd and enjoy games, movies, and books. My pup, Bridger, and I are constantly out hiking, enjoying exploring in the mountains and sightseeing. I like tinkering on projects, from puzzles, models, to building my own snowshoes, and replacing handles on my knives. I attempt to flint knap (I make nice chonky points that can’t do anything) and rockhound a lot.


What are a few fun facts about you?

I am 6’7” and have the coordination of someone with two left feet (ladies, please, one at a time). I grew up on a ranch near Joplin, Missouri, where I was born and raised (I like to joke that, yes, I was raised in a barn). Big dogs are the best, and yes, they are lap dogs, no matter how big they are. I love southern food, and southwest culture, but I got to have mountains in my view.


If you could tell readers one thing about yourself and your job, what would that be?

I love my job and getting to talk with people about it; not only do they often know some amazing sites and artifacts, but it’s a great way to connect with them. People love the past, even if it’s not necessarily their own history; most want to preserve and understand what was going on at certain locations. I know some archaeologists get a bad reputation for telling people off, and while I am not an advocate for removing artifacts from where they were located, I believe it’s my job to encourage and foster advocational archaeology.


If you could tell readers one thing about Grouse Mountain, what would THAT be?

Grouse Mountain fills a niche that I have been looking for. I cut my teeth in New Mexico, did graduate school in Montana, and have worked in Wyoming for a couple of years now. Grouse Mountain works in the whole Rocky Mountain region and is ever expanding to places I never even knew I wanted to work in, enabling me to grow in my field.


You can find us in the office weekdays from 8am-5pm or call anytime.

P: 307.684.2112
F: 307.684.2142

Grouse Mountain Headquarters

760 West Fetterman Street
Buffalo, WY 82834

Grouse Mountain New Mexico

3600 Cerrillos Rd, Ste 407
Santa Fe, NM 87507

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