Wildlife Resources

Grouse Mountain specializes in wildlife services for oil and gas development, wind and solar energy, mining, NEPA compliance, and scientific research for clients including industry, federal agencies, state departments, and private individuals. We provide support and guidance for our clients as they navigate environmental regulatory processes from pre-planning through post-development project phases. We will design and implement wildlife studies and mitigation strategies compliant with federal and state regulations for threatened and endangered species, species of concern, and special status plant and animal species. Our team of expert wildlife biologists is here to help you with all your wildlife needs.
Wildlife Regulatory Compliance
- Endangered Species Act (ESA)
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)
- Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act)
- Land-based Wind Energy Guidelines
- Bird and Bat Conservation Strategies (BBCS)
- Eagle Conservation Plans (ECP)
- Eagle Depredation, Nest Take, and Non-Purposeful Take Permits
- Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Tribal, and State agency regulations
- Mitigation design, monitoring, and implementation
Wildlife Monitoring and Surveys
Wildlife surveys include, but are not limited to:
- Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive species
- Avian point count and mortality
- Eagle, raptor, and migratory bird nesting
- Bald Eagle winter roosting
- Bat acoustic monitoring
- Sage-grouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse, and Lesser Prairie-chicken lek inventory
- Prairie dog colony mapping
- Small mammals
- Big game
- Amphibians and reptiles
Specialized Wildlife Services
- Remote sensing and spatial modeling
- Habitat utilization and resource selection analyses
- Greater Sage-grouse Core Area (PHMA) DDCT analyses
- Noise monitoring
- Habitat assessments and restoration
- Artificial raptor nest structure/perch design and installation
USFWS Survey Permits
- Yellow Billed Cuckoo


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