Rangeland Health

Grouse Mountain’s rangeland specialists are highly trained in a number of protocols used in rangeland assessments. We are experienced in identifying ecosites, soils types, and plant communities. Our crew leads have received training in terrestrial Assessment, Inventory, & Monitoring (AIM), National Resources Inventory (NRI), and Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health. With this field knowledge, Grouse Mountain personnel have the capability to conduct quality field data collection in an efficient and timely manner.
In addition to our experience with government agencies on natural resource-related projects, several team members have ranching and agricultural backgrounds providing us the ability to better facilitate discussions with land managers.
- Rangeland Health Assessments
- Grazing Lands Inventory Analysis and Planning Services
- Sage-grouse Habitat Assessment Framework (HAF) Guidelines for Assessing Rangeland Health
- Documentation of Baseline Vegetative Composition
- Species Identification and Management Training
- Vegetation Quantification
- Soils identification using hand augers, soils pits, and giddings rig
- Invasive Species Surveys and development of Integrated Weed Management Plans


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