Water Resource Management

Grouse Mountain hydrologists have extensive experience, from large-scale watershed modeling to small-scale stream assessments. We can help with all facets of your project whether you are assessing the condition of aquatic systems, implementing a mitigation strategy, or conducting water quality monitoring in a system.
- Groundwater Permitting – Water Appropriation, Beneficial Use, & Substitute Water Supply Plans
- Hydrologic Assessment
- Watershed Modeling
- Watershed Master Planning
- Wetland Delineation/Mapping
- US Army Corps of Engineers’ consultation
- Wetland Survey
- Wetland Habitat Quality Assessments
- Riparian Ecosystem Function Assessments
- Clean Water Act (CWA) section 404/401, and Nationwide Permit Compliance (NWP)
Stream & Riparian Area Assessments
- Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) of streams using the Rosgen Classification system
- Aquatic Assessment Inventory & Monitoring (AIM)
- Multiple Indicator Monitoring (MIM) of Stream Channels & Streamside vegetation
- Invertebrate Sampling
- Stream Physical Habitat Assessments
- Stream Monitoring Site Establishment
- Stream Restoration
- Water Quality Monitoring


Complete the form below and a member of the Grouse Mountain team will contact you shortly. If you need to speak with someone immediately, we can be reached at 307.684.2112.