Wind & Solar

Grouse Mountain can help you navigate regulations and compliance for renewable energy projects, including wind and solar development. Our team has the ability to assist with a variety of processes during pre-planning and post development for your wind or solar project strategy. For more information on what each department can do for you, visit our website to browse our other services.
Wildlife Monitoring and Regulatory Compliance:
- Surveys and compliance for the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Land-based Wind Energy Guidelines, Bird and Bat Conservation
- Strategies, and Eagle Conservation Plans
- Tier 1/Tier 2 Site Evaluation/Characterization Reports
- Tier 3 Pre-development Monitoring and Surveys
- Avian point count surveys
- Eagle nest monitoring
- Sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse surveys
- Bat acoustic monitoring
- Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive species monitoring and surveys
- Tier 4 Post-construction Monitoring and Mortality Studies
- Migratory bird/raptor nest clearance surveys
- Depredation, Nest Take, and Non-Purposeful Take Eagle Permits
- Incidental Take Permits and Habitat Conservation Plans
- Big game critical habitat and migratory corridors
- Acoustic Noise Monitoring
- Coordination with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and relevant state agencies
- Development of Monitoring Plans per specific state requirements
Hydrology/Water Resources:
- Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply
- Reconnaissance Level Assessment (Level 1)
- Rapid Resource Inventory for Sediment and Stability Consequence (Level 2)
- Prediction Level Assessment
- Watershed/hydrologic modeling
- Water quality monitoring per ESA or state standards
- Clean Water Act Compliance and Consultation with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- Waters of the U.S./Wetland Delineation surveys
- Revegetation, soil stabilization, erosion reduction
- Drill seeding
- Broadcast seeding
- Mulching and crimping
- BMP installation
- Develop Custom Seed Mixes
- Develop and Implement Site-specific Reclamation Plans
- Integrated Weed Management Strategies/Invasive Weed Management Plans
- Pre-Disturbance Site Characterization
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs):
- Develop and implement Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
- Management and permitting through national or state Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems
- Erosion Control Planning and Design
- SWPPP Inspections
- Notice of Intent/Notice of Termination Preparation
- Best Management Practices installation and maintenance
Cultural Resource Management:
- Class I, Class II, and Class III cultural resource investigations
- Compliance with National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and Section 106 agency consultation
- Construction monitoring for ground-disturbing activities
GIS and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS):
- 3D Mapping, Modeling, and Visual Analysis
- Aerial Inspection and Monitoring of Infrastructure
- Aerial Imagery and Video Acquisition
- Custom maps created with Industry Standard ESRI ArcGIS® Software
- Interactive, web-hosted Maps
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA):
- Preparation of Third-party Environmental Assessments (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Biological Evaluations/Biological Assessments
- Public scoping, outreach, and comment review
- Interagency coordination


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